Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Cautionary Tale

Once upon a time a little girl decided to bite off more than she could chew. She choked on her mouthful and died. Or rather, she found herself sitting in front of a half painted wall on a Friday night and thinking that it might be easier to move than finish all of her projects. She also considered that six months ago when the projects were planned out, two months seemed like a reasonable outside estimate for the completion date of said projects. Then, when life and pure undilluted laziness interfered, she set a new date for Thanksgiving when she would have a houseful of company. Thinking she had plenty of time, she put off the aforementioned projects until last night. Realizing that Thanksgiving was two weeks away, she panicked, set her alarm for very early, and went to bed. In the morning (or afternoon as it were) her subconscious decided that getting up early was not very much fun and turned the alarm off for her. Due to the rebellion of the subconscious, she logged eleven hours of sleep and didn't get anything done. And that, boys and girls, is how she came to be sitting in front of a half painted wall and daydreaming about how little stuff she would need if she were to live in her car.

Note: I am not procrastinating by playing on the blog, I am waiting for paint to dry. I do actually learn from mistakes and have been amazed at how much better painting turns out when you let it dry between coats. My mommy always told me, if you do something, do it well. Turns out, she was right. Luckily, I have matured and now have the patience for that sort of thing.

1 comment:

  1. I on the other hand am procrastinating by reading and responding to your blog. I love you, honey - but did not mail your package today.
