Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sleep, Awake

...is really all I can think about. For some reason, economic indicators don't have a whole lot of meaning for me, although that may not have anything to do with my mental acuity relative to inputted sleep resources or the scarcity thereof. As this is my one day off in a two week period, I feel I should be doing what I can to knock out my homework and it being due today is a small bit of motivation. Unfortunately, being sleep deprived is not conducive to pulling an all-nighter.

I have been daydreaming, at night which ends up being terribly confusing but anyways...daydreaming about college, trying to remember how I kept myself awake. Years of abuse have inured me to the effects of caffeine, it isn't cold enough outside to be bracing, I have already taken two showers tonight, I am running out of ideas...I thought of finally getting a piercing or playing with a nine volt but don't feel like being in pain in addition to being tired. If I remember correctly, in college, I went to the all night coffee shop where it would be rude to fall asleep. I don't think I know of any such places here. Sad, I have lived here, cumulatively, two and half years and don't know where an all night coffee shop is. Pathetic actually...

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