Tuesday, February 10, 2009

For What I am About to Receive...I am Truly Grateful

It has been a really rough couple of weeks...

Following both of us taking time off for Rob's dad surgery, we have been working like crazy to catch up, Rob on flight hours and backlogged paperwork, and me the lost money from five missed shifts and getting way behind on homework and housework. Tonight we both got home from work around eleven, collapsed on the couch and commiserated about how beat we were. Both of us will be pulling all-nighters to get our work done in time and we agreed to meet tomorrow night for an extended power nap (known to everyone else on the planet as bedtime, hard to call it sleep when it never seems to be for long enough). I suppose this is great training for when we have children. I feel like I haven't slept in five weeks and I don't foresee it happening anytime soon. Sigh...

While we were whining to one another, he said something that put things into perspective. "Guess we should stop complaining and be thankful that we do have jobs, there are a lot of people who would gladly take our places." He never says much, so it always surprises me when he says something wise that instantly changes my attitude. In the midst of my own futile job search how could I have forgotten that I do have a job and we are able to pay our bills, keep our cars running, keep our heat on, phones connected? I feel humbled...and grateful to God for taking care of us and up till now at least, protecting us from the economic difficulty so many people are facing.

"What recession!" has been the theme at work for the last month or so. The restaurant I work for seems to be untouched by the recession. Yet one more blessing I wasn't appreciating nearly enough. Being employed is nice, but if no one is coming in the doors I don't make any money. God is providing, one night at a time...

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