Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why am I so OCD?

I am feeling my lack of preparedness for the baby. Though he is not due till February, I have yet to buy anything for him. The baby shower is in 5 weeks or so and I don't see the point in shopping until after that, but my super controlling nature that demands overpreparation for everything is starting to shout that I am not ready for him to be here. This is bleeding into my dreams... Last night I dreamed that I went to get a new cell phone and instead of handing me a phone back, they handed my baby. Rather than being happy about finally getting to hold him I freaked out about not being ready. I was telling the Verizon clerk that I couldn't take the baby because I didn't have a car seat or bottles or clothes or anything, so they would just have to keep him for a few days until I could get to the store.

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