Friday, October 1, 2010

Where Has My Inspiration Gone?

Every night as I lay in bed, the hilarity of my day composes itself into a witty commentary that I make every resolution to post on my blog in the morning. Every morning I wake, my mind...blank. Nothing seems funny. Life is exhausting. The baby is crying. My eyes are full of sand. The cats have a desire to be kicked repeatedly (the only explanation I have for insisting on walking under my feet). By the time I wash up, feed and clothe the baby, feed and recaffeinate myself I have no idea what I was going to write about. This is the main reason I can't seem to post more than once a week. Gus is the light of my life. He fills my days with joy and laughter, then sucks it all back out when he falls asleep, leaving nothing for this blog.


  1. Gosh this was a depressing blog!!!

  2. Wait till you start filling your head with .... "There was an old lady who swallowed.." Oh wait, it will be his head you are filling up. Right!

  3. My solution to this problem has been to get up and write. It's the only way to get things out my head sometimes.
