Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Kind of Chaos

After weeks of being overwhelmed by all that has been thrown at us in such a short time, I finally woke up this morning with my head screwed on straight. I am ready! In the last month, we have looked for and found a house, had our offer accepted, done the inspection, applied for our loan, had the whole house struck down with the plague, and started packing. All this with only a few mental breakdowns. Now I have my deadline, I have a plan, and best of all...I have a list!

Yesterday, I went through a pile of mail four months deep and filed everything. I started to pull everything for taxes out so it doesn't get packed (I do learn something new with every move!). Patted myself on the back for not finding any unpaid bills in that stack (whew! can't say that has never happened before). I put aside everything needed to run errands today in an organized manner. Finally, while I was working I listened to a seminar on how to begin teaching discipline to very small children. I did a couple weeks worth of laundry, washed diapers, washed dishes, cleaned up the living room, got a massage and spent some quality time with Gus.

Today, I woke at an ungodly hour (did you know there is a 630 in the morning? I didn't...), ran errands for a couple hours before the boys woke up. Then I fed the small creatures of the house, picked up all the small bits of trash from the yard that have finally been released from the icy grasp of winter, worked in the garage for a little while, washed the fake greenery so it can be packed, and ran more errands at places that keep more civilized business hours. Now I'm blogging for the first time in a while and drinking a big glass of water.

Next on my list is packing the rest of the decor and breakables and then the serving dishes and more bizarre kitchen gadgets I can probably live without over the next month, canning supplies, and extra bedding. It is so nice to have my motivation and energy back. I am woman, hear me roar!


  1. Hey neighbor! First off I am in love with your blogs! Second I love how expressive you are. I am excited for you and your new journey life has thrown your way. Reading some of your blogs you have waited patiently and your prayers have been answered. Even though we have spoken in brief and waved in passing I am glad that I met you and your beautiful family. Good luck with all that life has to offer and you don't need a seminar to teach you what you already know. Lots of love, a firm NO and an occasional!! :) Your neighbor, Jessica

  2. Thanks Jessica,

    I was mostly listening to it to get some idea about what I can expect him to grasp at this age. He is starting to be independent and disobedient and firm "no's" aren't really working that well and neither is smacking his hands. He won't leave the light sockets alone and thinks hitting people in the face is funny. He also thinks kicking the cat is fun. Turns out a much lighter slap on the leg is twice as effective. Location, location, location!

  3. So, I'm just wondering...where do you find this "motivation" and "energy" that you speak of, and where can I acquire it?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ha! To truly capture the highs of energy and motivation, you should get the flu. Once you accomplish making it out of pajamas, you feel you can take on the world!

  6. Humph. Night people. Of course there's a 6:30 in the morning. It's exactly halfway between 5:30 and 7:30 and is a good time to read stuff on the internet. Duh.
