Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sarah Vs. the Telemarketer

One of the lovely ladies at the Ball State University Development offices called me to beg for our money as they do every year. Ah the Ball State Telethon... Usually I recognize the number and ignore the call as I used to work in conjunction with these ladies processing the donations they received and I remember the number. So anyways, this year I fed her a line about hard times and all, blah, blah, blah, baby on the way...

That is not the reason we don't donate to the university. The reason we don't donate is because Rob won't let us donate until Parking Services admits they were wrong and returns our $600 dollars in bogus parking fees we had to pay to get our diplomas from them. As I never see this happening, I don't know that I will ever be allowed to contribute to our beloved Alma Matter. I was, however, a little hesitant to admit this to the nice girl on the other end of the phone who I am sure had nothing to do with this grave injustice and does after all have a monetary goal to meet.

I hung up, feeling bad for lying to the girl until my phone rang again. It was the same girl, asking for Rob so she could ask him for money instead of me! As I know for a fact it lists us as married on the screen she is working from because I helped build that database, I immediately stopped feeling guilty and hung up on the little pipsqueak.

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