Thursday, April 30, 2009

Road Trip (Part I)

I shot twenty rolls of film on our great Northeastern road trip. As I foresee this week being less busy, I will try to pick a couple of my favorites from each roll for your viewing pleasure.

April 1, 2009
This roll was shot in Erie, PA and Buffalo, NY on day one of our trip. It rained the entire day, and most of our photography took place while negotiating an umbrella or through car windows. This first shot was at Presque Isle State Park. We had debated not going to see this lighthouse as we thought we would see a bunch in Maine, but it turned out that by the time we got to Maine, we were behind schedule and didn't get to see any after all so I am glad that we saw this one.

This one is of a windmill in Erie itself. I just liked how simple the picture was.

The next photo, off of roll 2 was taken in Buffalo, NY. For the most part Buffalo struck me as a dirty city, but they did have some beautiful architecture.

I thought this shot looked like it could have been taken 70 years ago if you ignore the shiny modern building in the top middle left of the picture.

This one was taken in Rochester, NY at the George Eastman museum of Photography, which incidentally had some amazing photo opportunities. All of my pictures from there turned out amazing, but this was the only one that had any color in it. After 30 hours of rain, it was nice to see something bright.

I took this picture on the road leaving Syracuse, NY. It was the only sunshine we saw all day and it lasted for about 45 seconds before we were flattened by another thunderstorm. If you look very very closely at the picture you will see the relatively tiny storm system off in the distance. (Actually by the time I had snapped the picture and had one foot back in the car it was pouring).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Yesterday we painted the office. You know you have good friends when you say I'm painting the office this weekend and they ask if they can help. We left the chocolate accent wall and painted over the gold sponge painted walls with a nice taupe. We painted the trim an off white and hung curtains. We cleaned, we rearranged and changed the outlets. It is a completely different room. I worked in the office the entire day today without being distracted by piles of paperwork or anything else. Thank you so much guys! You have given me a peaceful haven to do my work in. I am sure at some point I will get the opportunity to return the favor :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

What I'm excited about

I get my vacation pictures back tomorrow! My office might actually get painted this weekend and I might get to see my friend this weekend! The only downer is that my hubby has drill and will be gone all weekend...

Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm not dead

I'm not dead, just busy. I finally got around to taking my first real vacation in almost four years last week. Monica and I went on a road trip to Maine. We had an awesome time hitting the capitals of every state in the northeast. In my opinion the two best places we saw by far were Acadia National Park and downtown Boston. Cape Cod won the best food award and Montpelier won the most pathetic state capitol award. Columbus had the worst capital building, Albany and Harrisburg, PA the best. New York's senators gave us a new perspective on the character (and pettiness) of politicians, Concord's representatives showed that politicians can be civilized. We hiked the cliffs of Acadia and walked the historic Boston downtown, went to the Culinary Institute of America, camped in Vermont (cold!), touched our toes in the ocean, watched the tide come in, looked at more than a few boats, encountered a little blizzard in PA and 70 degree weather in NY, ate a lobster, oysters, crab cakes, clams, scallops, clam chowder, lobster bisque, shrimp, trout, tuna, and some amazing crab avocado mango terrine. All I can say is wow and I'm exhausted. I should have pictures developed in a week or so and I will try to post some.