Well I have pounded through about half of my to do list and I think I have had enough. The paper wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and actually prompted me to do something I should have done a while ago...
I accidentally started a business sewing cloth diapers. As sometimes happens when you do not realize you have a third job, I quickly ended up over my head and a year and a half ago, decided that I never want to work for anyone else ever again. So I enrolled in an MBA program, discouraged new business and started waiting tables again for the flexibility and the money. The goal is to develop enough business know-how to be able to run a business, deal with suppliers, do my own taxes, license the business, etc. The other problem that I was having was that I knew nothing about how to market myself nor how to handle having employees if this thing ends up being as successful as it seems like it could be. Unfortunately, my old clients are still telling people about my product and a girl I work with asked for a run down on the cost analysis of cloth diapers and environmental statistics. Needless to say, I haven't been able to get to it. I logged into my class this week and lo and behold the assignment was to evaluate the political, social and economic trends affecting your industry, i.e. the diaper industry. What a perfect excuse to research and create marketing paraphernalia! So it now reads like a research paper, but should be relatively easy at this point to convert into a pamphlet...
While I still have my doubts over the need for me to take another econ class, at least I have gotten something out of this one.
Hey!!! you wanna start a business but you aren't so sure about the marketing part or dealing with employees? GUESS WHAT!!!! Your sister is a Human Resources/Marketing major. Yayyyyy!!!! We can run a family diaper business! My dreams have come true!
ReplyDeleteAll those years of dad pushing us to start our own businesses and all the resisting and insisting that we didn't want to do that...now we just need a web designer...